Natural Beauty...

Oh what can I say about Miss M... this amazing woman is a mother of two and has completely changed her body and mindset. Miss M said enough is enough after seeing 230 lbs on the scale and decided to make a change for the long haul. She was tired of being uncomfortable in her own skin and wanted to be healthy for her kids. Doing things the old fashioned way Miss M was able to lose between 90 to 100 pound which fluctuates based on the season she says, lol. Another thing Miss M embraced is her amazing hair... yes ladies that is how the gray in her hair naturally grows and it is simply gorgeous. No more dying for this gorgeous grey haired mama!!!

With her permission Miss M has allowed me to share her before and after with you and she hopes it is an inspiration to anyone that struggles to be comfortable in their own skin. Woman are beautiful at all shapes and sizes but as I have said before you can love your body but still want to change your body to be the best version of YOU, whatever that means to you is completely up for grabs.